Monday, March 16, 2015

Standards of Living

You don't need to try so hard to be good enough.

In fact, many people stop at good enough. Isn't that ironic? In a society based around acceptance, there are those who are complacent to stay good enough, because they meet standards. But those who don't meet standards strive and reach and stretch to be good enough and it consumes them. But society doesn't accept them; society demands that they measure up or die trying. Our world is so whacked up it's crazy. But tonight, I want to speak to those who are striving to meet society's standards.

I too am an outcast. I know what it's like. I haven't met pretty much every standard there is: I am not athletic, or artistic, or even articulate. My grades are great but my friends' are better, my peers have more leadership opportunities, and those around me succeed at all they do. It can be hard to face the standards society places on us and try and meet them all.

Perhaps we should stop striving to meet society's standards. Just stop, sit down, and listen up.

Listen to the Savior's voice call out to us. Amidst the craziness of our lives, we hardly ever hear His beautiful voice. It is still, quiet, and peaceful. It may not even be audible. Many times when I listen it's not something I can understand, but I do feel God's promises being whispered to my heart. It's like the constant murmur of a brook providing constancy and peace in the middle of all of my craziness. I have a lot of craziness.

When we sit down and listen, we'll start to learn God's standards. Instead of running towards standards ourselves, we'll be able to sit and observe those around us running. And perhaps we'll recognize, through their striving, the futility of it all. Society's standards are set just so, making them impossible to achieve but too tempting not to try. To be accepted in this world is everything; we WANT to fit in.

We must remember we are not of this world, therefore, we don't even need to acknowledge society's standards. We don't even need to glance at them! If we don't belong here, why would we try and fit in? What us Christians constantly seem to forget is that any type of striving - be it to fit in, earn more, gain respect, whatever - is a distraction from the Most High God. In fact, He has given us a standard to live up to: Jesus.

We'll never be able to reach Jesus, but we should strive to. This is where striving changes. Instead of being focused on achieving other things, we are solely focused on our God, because we are trying to achieve HIM. He is our end goal! He is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control. All the things we need to be. And more! Faithful, for one thing. That's something that I need to work on. And these things are what we need to strive towards, not to build ourselves up, but to build Christ up. 

We shouldn't strive for Jesus, hoping we become better people. God has already perfected us; through our faith in Jesus Christ we have donned His righteousness. We strive for Jesus so that we can glorify Him, and show others what it is to be LOVED by Him. It is not so we can be Pharisaic and show off our kindness and good works, but rather to take the background and let Jesus do the shining.

Plus, in society, you must meet the standards to be loved. But, you are ALREADY loved when you fail and face-plant in the mud when you are striving for Jesus. I don't know about you, but I would rather be loved already, even if I fail, than have to work for a love that won't ever be given to me if I can't measure up! 

And this unconditional love is something we can emulate to others.

Don't expect others to live up to society's standards, or even your own. Love them regardless of who they are. Meet them where they are at. I read tonight that someone HATES it when others say: "I'll pray for you." They see it as a spiritual cop-out; it's a get-out-of-helping-others-free-card. If you offer to pray for someone, say it sincerely and look in their eyes when you say it, or, better yet, PRAY OVER THEM RIGHT THEN. Best yet, take the time to sit and listen to their frustrations. So many times we just need to talk and someone to listen; even if you don't have advice to give, listen and open your heart. It'll be greatly appreciated.

And lastly, watch out for standards trademarked by you. These standards will tear you down and shatter you to pieces more than any others. They loom over you, unreachable and condescending. They will tell you you aren't good enough. They will whisper to you that you'll never make it. They are your worst enemy, and you formed them. But you cannot take them away. You will never be able to escape your standards on your own.

But a word of encouragement is all it takes to shatter those standards. When someone tells us that we are loved, or that we are good enough, relief floods our souls. Words formed our universe; a lot of power is invested in them. We can set standards that make others strive for eternity and beat themselves up, or we can tear down standards and build them up. Love, the power behind words, works, the effect is profound. If you love yourself your words will hurt others. If you love other your words will help others. And if you love Jesus your words will INSPIRE others.

Don't settle for society's standards. Don't strive for your own standards. Pursue Jesus's standards: faith, hope, and love. The greatest being love. And as we pursue Jesus we'll learn to #LiveItLikeJesus!

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