Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014

Hey yall, I would appreciate prayer from you guys again. School is continuing to grow harder and harder and I get increasing responsibilities, both related and unrelated to school, to take care of as the year progresses. To complete my many responsibilities - mainly consisting of Jesus-time, homework, and chores - AND remain physically rested, I wake up at 6 every morning and fall asleep at 9:30 every night. That said, this is barely enough time to keep up and I'm STILL falling behind in sleep.

This afternoon, I fell asleep reading my history book. It may sound classic or even comical, and I guess in a sense it is. But I missed dinner time with my family and missed valuable time studying. Besides, I am very task orientated and I feel decently physically discipled, meaning I can push my body to do what I need to do; the fact that I involuntarily fell asleep is a huge warning sign. 

Now you know the details, so please pray for me. I need sleep and rest and time. I don't even have the time to post during the week anymore... I am typing this out of necessity of you guys' prayers! Ask God to give me strength and keep me resting in Him.

On a slightly related note, recently God has explicitly given me many opportunities to share about Him and glorify His name!! Its cool to see Jesus workin in my life again, also pray I'd have the words to say and that they would be receptive to His word... thanks! God bless you guys:)

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