Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014

Hope. Its the drive to keep going, no matter current circumstances; hope sees beyond the here and now.

Hope is the motivating factor in all of our lives. We hope for employment, for good grades, for a new car, for a raise or promotion... this hope helps us through the rough times: unemployment, failed tests, accidents, and firings. Because of our hope, we press on to face another day and continue the daily grind for something better.

But all of what I just mentioned, while better, is still as grey and bland as everything worse than it. While we see large contrasts with a selfish worldview, when we look through God's glasses what we see to be a big deal isn't big at all. The space between unemployment and employment becomes so small its marginal when we see life through Jesus; it just doesn't matter. God could bless us with money, or maybe not. "Being rich don't mean you got favor, being broke don't mean its gone" - Trip Lee. Point is, our hope no longer rests in the things of this world, but rather in JESUS!

When you experience pain, or trouble, or mockery or hardship or even death, just know that you aren't bounded by this world anymore. Sin is of this world, and when Jesus freed us from our sins, He freed us from this WORLD. Anything that goes on in this world, then, does not affect our eternal relationship with Jesus! He ALWAYS loves us and will do what is good for us! And NOTHING, no, not even death, can part us from Him. In Him our hope is found. We look to Him in troubled seas. 

When you experience success, fame, and wealth, remember that you aren't bounded by this world. Those may last for a short while, but it won't last eternally. Go back to where it all began; when Jesus first found you. He is your hope, and your hope is not in money or popularity or your job... its in JESUS. He can give, and He can take away. He gave His son, but He promises NEVER to take Him away from us!! We can trust His word because He is the ultimate authority and He is GOOD; He does not lie. And in His strength, I see my weakness, and I find HOPE.

That is my hope. That I would learn humility. That as I grow close to God, I wouldn't only learn how great He is but also how small I am. The comparison, as I grow in the knowledge of my Savior, continues to dawn on me. I am weak, and can do nothing. He is strong in my weakness. I pray that I am humbled more and more because I have a big problem with pride. But thats where HOPE comes in: pride is of this world and my hope is secured in One that nullified the things of this world!!! He has OVERCOME, and in His strength, I will ALSO overcome! Stand with me! Place your hope in the things unseen; have FAITH. And experience God as He overcomes in your life. He may not work in ways you know or like, but He does what is best for those that HOPE in Him.

Remember to #LiveItLikeJesus yall:)

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