Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014

Matt Maher's song "Lord I Need You" brings up a very interesting facet of our relationship: defense. Here is the chorus of the song:

"Lord I need You,
Oh I need You!
My one defense,
My righteousness,
Oh God how I need You!" 

My ONE defense. This, when looked at first glance, seems utterly stupid. What if our defense fails? Then we will be defenseless! Wouldn't it be better if we had LOTS of defenses, to protect us from what this world throws at us?

A couple reasons why it is BEST to only have one. First of all, this is JESUS we are talking about. He doesn't fail. He won't fall. In fact, our defense is also our lover and supporter and Father... He is PERFECT. Nothing that we can do, that this world can do, that even the enemy can do can break our ROCK down. We just gotta run and hide in Him! So often we forget to retreat, and we take the offense; thats Jesus's job. Let Him do the work! Always remember fleeing the battlefield - that is, running to JESUS - is the best way to get stuff done. He'll step out and change some lives! 

One defense also keeps us OPEN. I know that defenses are supposed to keep OUT, but with Jesus, we truly need to let others in. If we shut out everyone but Jesus, there would be no opportunity for growth, for ministry, or for love. Others need to be able to invest in your 'city', helping you grow and prosper in His work. People need to be able to approach and enter your 'city' so that they can recieve guidance, or even just a word of encouragement. And love, the greatest commandment, cannot truly happen with just ONE person. Thats called narcissism. Love may not be mutual, but it DOES need to be directed at someone; Jesus's love for us. We can emulate His love by loving others UNCONDITIONALLY. And since He is our ONE defense, we have no fear, no pride, no other defense imaginable hindering our love for others!

If you look at any city in history, every city has fallen; we are temporary. We will not last. But OUR defense protects us from even death!! What is this?! I mean... how can we protect ourselves from the very thing that ravages countrysides, continents, PLANETS? Thing is, we can't. No defense we set up can. Not envy, or pride, not even earthly love. All our good is as rags before God; who wants rags protecting them from attacks? Our defense needs to be built by a Master Builder: JESUS. He will build a wall so strong and secure even Death cannot enter its gates. And yet, others can enter and grow us or be grown by us, and love will ABOUND because of the gates strategically placed in our lives! Not everyone's gates are the same; some may be teachers, others encouragers, and others still planters. Some may move out, others may stay and minister where they are. But always, ALWAYS, this Body of Believers will glorify and magnify the name of JESUS. None of our city-states can fall, and we are all connected by a trade route system that supports us and keeps us alive: the Holy Spirit.

God bless ya this Lord's Day!

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