Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014

God is living inside of us! Kinda crazy, right? An all powerful being right there closer than a kiss.

Its so crazy to me how we are PRIVELAGED to have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us. Not only did Jesus save us from our sins; not only did He want a personal relationship with us, He ALSO gave us a guide and helper who is literally the closest thing we can get to direct conversation with Jesus!! Our God has blessed us something awesome and unimaginable and we take it all for granted. Lets take a step back and humble ourselves and take a closer look at what God's given us: namely, His Spirit.

The Spirit is our guide. It keeps us from wrongdoing, it encourages good works, and it helps us make eternally important decisions. It serves to help us find our ways in BOTH bright places AND dark places. We should be looking to the Spirit for guidance in all seasons of life, not just the bad or uncertain ones. Also, it may leave a choice up to us, and then back us up on whatever we decide. Sometimes Jesus just wants us to choose something and roll with it, applying faith to the situation at hand. Its in this way the Holy Spirit can, in one way, guide us. Because we made a decision without knowing all the facts and consequences, the Spirit can guide us through improving our capacity to listen and hear it!

It also prays for us. The Bible says that the Spirit will actually groan and pray for us and what our heart desires. While prayer is an extremely important part of our spiritual walk, sometimes when we hurt the most all we can do is cry out the name of Jesus and let the Spirit pray for us. And since the Spirit intercedes for us in Jesus's presence, our human pride doesn't get in the way of our faith, because the prayer has come in groans from the Spirit. Just know that while the Spirit prays perfectly, that does NOT give us an excuse to not humble and quiet ourselves before God... the Spirit isn't of this world and we are. There is a big difference between the two of us, but yet the Spirit knows us so intimately... so cool!

It MOVES through us! Miraculous healings, answers to prayers, and angelic experiences all seemed so foreign to me; much of it still is. But yet I see people who have been so deeply moved by the Spirit that they accomplish amazing things for Jesus!! Its so amazing to watch how Jesus uses His Spirit in us to move THROUGH us!! If the Spirit is telling you to do something, PLEASE do it. Imagine the rejoicing in heaven that will result because of your eternal decision... soon we'll join in that rejoicing and everything we've done here stores treasure up in heaven! To know that an Almighty God is using me to do His work... that just boggles my mind! All I can do is sit and praise Him because I am not burdened by sin but burdened by a passion for Him! And He will continue to work in us till He calls us home!

So yep, the Spirit is a pretty sick-awesome thing to have inside ya! And if you aren't sure of the Spirit manifested in you, or even of your salvation, pray about it! Read your Bible! And because you pursue Jesus He will reveal the correct course of action to you:) God bless yall!

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