Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014

My. A two letter word that changes everything.

There is a Savior that died on the cross for everyone's sins, permanently destroying death's stronghold. Perfection died in our stead. There is also a Father that loved this world so much that He gave one commandment, then ten commandments, then judges and kings and prophets. But His people wouldn't listen. So He gave a gift so undeniable everyone would know His love; the ultimate sign of sacrificial adoration. Now they reign side by side, forever for eternity.

But this has no meaning without a personal depth to it. If a Savior died, but He didn't die for ME, what good is it? If Jesus saved no one on that cross, there would be no purpose; it would be in vain. Because of His sacrifice, MY relationship with MY God is possible! MY Jesus saved ME from MY sin. He is all I need; MY life. He is MY source of love. He is MY hope. The simple word 'my' changes our perspective on things; actions take shape as we learn how they apply to our lives. Dying on the cross is no longer abstract, rather, its a tangible act of selflessness we can apply to others to demonstrate what Jesus has done in and for us.

He is MY Father. I am called His child. He wanted ME in His family, so He died on that cross to save my sorry, helpless, weak soul. I was WORTHLESS until Jesus gave ME His worth. Because of Jesus's sacrifice, I am now counted righteous before MY Father. I was adopted into His family. He is now MINE. What a wonderful thing to call a God 'mine'! He guides, protects, listens, disciplines, speaks, and judges justly; just like a FATHER.

He is MY Jesus. My Savior. My hope for living. My oxygen. Without Jesus, I am NOTHING. But He is MY everything. I have what He does because He gave it all on a CROSS. His inheritance in now MINE. Sacrificial love gave me a stake in heaven's riches. MY resting place is in JESUS'S arms. MY strength is found in Jesus's power. Jesus Himself is MINE. MY friend. MY comforter. MY JESUS.

You see, 'my' doesn't need to be selfish. In this case, it just shows personal depth to our relationship. Jesus died for everyone in the world. I am not saying that Jesus wanted me, and me only. But He died for me. See the difference? Viewing Jesus's sacrifice and character in a personal light reveals a completely new perspective; a beautiful one. Feel free to read every 'my' or 'me' or 'mine' as it applies to YOU. Because Jesus died on that cross for YOU. He is YOUR comforter, YOUR hope, YOUR Father, YOUR oxygen... He is YOURS to hold and cherish and run to and cry out to and embrace. He is WHOLLY devoted to YOU. He loves YOU. He died on that cross knowing YOUR pain and hurt and sin, and thinking of YOU, was murdered for YOUR sake. 

I was the nails that hung Him on that cross. I was the spear shoved through His side. I was His REWARD. I was the one Jesus was presented with after He rose from the dead... this is CRAZY guys. He died, rose again, and then was presented with the chief among sinners - David Fletcher. He deemed ME fitting for His work; so He worked on ME. He made ME new; He is making ME new; He will continue making ME new. Until MY faith is perfected in death, I will ALWAYS need His work in me. But when I'm weakest, that is when GOD is strong, because you can see His strength in me and no one can take glory BUT Jesus. Because its really not about ME. Or YOU. We have this personal relationship, but its all for the glory of OUR SAVIOR.

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