Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27, 2014

"Before Abraham was, I AM." - John 8:58

Here's a crazy facet of God: longevity. Not just in the positive direction either! Yes, He will always and forever be around. But if you set time equal to zero when Creation was spoken into being, and go back one second; God is still around. Go back a minute more, and He's still there. In fact, you can go back MILLENIA and God will always be around because He was, is, and is to come!! He is ETERNAL IN BOTH DIRECTIONS!

God, actually, isn't bounded by time. He exists on a plane outside of time. Time is just something God created when He spawned the world to help our puny minds better grasp inconcievable things... like His eternalness (This isn't written in the Bible, but its something I believe). I don't want to get into predestination and whatnot, but here's an anology my youth pastor shared that is pretty good at describing this facet of Jesus.

God is sitting down at a table. He has photographs strewn ALL over this table; capturing events from the past, present, and future. But He is outside of time. The reason why God is always watching over us is because He isn't bounded by time! He can pick up a photo, and observe it. Perhaps its a photo of me writing to you guys right now. He helps guide my thumbs, sees my mistakes, and directs my words and diction.

Then He might pick up a photo of my birth. He'd give strength to my mother, reassurance to the nurses, etc. He saw me open my eyes for the first time! And then He might pick up the photo of me typing again. And then maybe look at my graduation, or perhaps my engagement. I don't know the details, or even if I will graduate or get a wife. But He does! Because He is outside of time!

Since God wastes no TIME (no time is spent in between picking up photos), it all happens instantaneously. So technically, to us, He has helped and guided and strengthened us all RIGHT NOW, forever BEFORE now, and forever AFTER now. He's done it all already. And yet He hasn't because time doesn't exist for Him. His help, His aid... to us, it just IS. 

Now, don't get me wrong. Its crucial that we cry out to Jesus and God to help us through our afflictions. He wants to hear our hurts, pains, successes, requests, joys, etc.! He wants to know you INTIMATELY! Its a relationship that He wants YOU to invest in, and yet let HIM carry the weight of it all! Its like putting money in the bank but the bank gets to spend it. Thankfully, our 'bank' knows whats best for us and has our interests in mind when He 'spends'!! How cool is that?

The timelessness of God creates another quality: His love is ENDLESS. To have no end, implies that there is a timeline in there somewhere. You cannot end if you always are. Without time, ends don't make sense. And because He loves you and He isn't bounded by time, His love is truly endless. But we as humans get confused because we think in terms of time; and so we think God can't love us because of this or that.

Let me tell you right now: it is an EASY THING for OUR GOD to overcome in your life!! His love is ENDLESS, and will totally pone any struggle you face. It'll wreck, destroy, and demolish walls you've built up. It'll edify, strengthen, and cure a broken heart. It'll make hard hearts tender again, and broken ones new. Its truly an "amazing love, how can it be?" - Newsboys

God is timeless, and yet we are bounded by time. We have a beginning. But take heart!! We have no END. Christian or not, you will live forever. Make sure you spend eternity with Jesus, alright? I love ya'll, and have a fantastic evening!!

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