Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014

Hey guys!! I wanted to mention a lot of praises tonight in my post:

1) I'm almost COMPLETELY healed from sickness!
2) I'm not as upset about not 'feeling' God close, though I am still pursuing and surrendering and loving Him! You guys helped a lot with that; thank you!
3) SYATP (See You At The Pole) was today!! I know I brought up this request a long time ago, but if you remember, I had to do a short devo on prayer in front of my peers. The entire event went smoothly and people actually came up to me afterwards and told me I encouraged them somehow! WOW!! Thank you guys for your prayers!! I didn't even know what I was saying, the Holy Spirit just took over!
4) One of my really close friends, and my tightest prayer partner, was uplifted today and encouraged after having a rough time. Thats AWESOME!

Our God is certainly at work in our lives! I'm sad to say that I'm still 'numb' to Jesus, but I can SEE and HEAR effects of His presence! Even if I can't feel the wind, I can see it bending trees and hear it rustling leaves. Our God has given us more than one sense, and in my desperate, prideful state, I failed to see this. Thank you all AGAIN for all your prayers, support, encouraging words!! They really blessed me!

This is what the Body of Christ should look like! It truly is a body. When one member hurts, the rest of the Body works in coordination to help get it back and running towards Jesus. If you get a cut on a finger, you use your other fingers to bandage it! Get sick, use your nose for dehumidifiers! Get hurt emotionally, and listen with your ears. Every part of the Body can help another become strong. And THAT is what is important!

Its good to realize that while we walk our own PERSONAL relationships with Jesus, we walk as ONE and cooperate INTERPERSONALLY with each other! We don't do life alone; we are here for each other! For prayer, for encouragement, for laughing, for crying. Jesus often uses His own people to help His own people! Love flows and ebbs and harmonizes throughout all our lives, connecting us on this beautiful timeline called life. We live together, walk together, fall together, and rise together. Pretty soon we'll have perfected our faith in death, and faith will no longer have any meaning because we'll EXPERIENCE.

We'll experience a perfect LOVE from a perfect GOD! We'll knoe what His laugh sounds like! We'll see angels magnify a deity who controls all time! We'll sleep with lions, play with lambs, and rise on the wings of eagles. And the Bride will be ONE. Right now She is scattered among the nations, but soon we'll be in a perfect communion with each other, and with GOD! We'll celebrate as one! We'll have this awesome, INTIMATE relationship with Jesus that we can only glimpse while we're here on earth.

Until then, we are called to be witnessess on this earth. Last Sunday I attended a different church, where I learned witness has two meanings: to speak of, or attest to; or to see, and to experience. We are called to be BOTH. We need to have EXPERIENCED Jesus before we can SPEAK about Jesus! We need to witness Jesus before we witness about Jesus!

And think: in all our human understanding, our witnessing of Him here is NOTHING compared what we'll experience in Heaven!! When we're HOME. And I can. Not. Wait. Better is ONE day in Your courts than a THOUSAND elsewhere! WOOHOO!! As we gaze into and long for the future, lets live to lift up those around us, keep the Body STRONG and HEALTHY, and #LiveItLikeJesus!!

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