Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014

Love. Pursuit. And how they relate.

God loves us. Probably the one of most overstated encouragements spoken in churches today. But what does this mean?

It means that no matter what, God will always take us back. He will clean us up when we fall in the mud. He will forget our sins, comfort our weariness, and give us joy. God's love is never ending, never failing, never growing. Because our God is constant, it has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be unconditional!!

But these are just characteristics of His love. But really, its like a pursuit. Just as a man will pursue and woo his bride-to-be, so does our God for us. He cherishes us as no other. He is desperate for us. Not that He needs us, but that He would be broken without us. For us to spend eternity without Jesus, we can almost imagine that. But to the God who created you with great care, formed you with His own two hands, blessed you (and no matter what you face, I DO believe its a blessing) with your life situation, and DIED in YOUR STEAD; its unbearable. There is much rejoicing in Heaven when a sinner repents and dies to their old self, there is also much weeping in Heaven when a sinner dies physically. God breaks His heart everyday for US. A broken people is what breaks a God's heart.

God PURSUES. Pursuit isn't just coming after someone, its commiting all your time and resources to one, specific goal, no matter the challenges and hurdles you face. God has commited HIMSELF, His TIME, and His resources in the form of a SON, to one specific goal; YOU. He has overcome many challenges already in your life, and He will continue to do so until we fully realize His majesty in Heaven! God has sent countless angel armies to watch over you, whispered words of comfort to your heart, and found ways to get to you even when you refused to pray. He has used literally every resource imaginable to keep us for Himself.

And He wants this relationship to be reciprocal! For us to spend all our time and resources, no matter the cost, with one specific goal in mind; emulating Christ. He wants us to give our all for Him. He wants our heart to break because of our earthly seperation, and for our hearts to long for the day when we see Him. He wants our obedience and patience as He throws various trials our way that perfect our faith. He wants our PURSUIT.

To sprint after God is a beautiful thing! Building up momentum, and speedung ever faster and faster towards Christ! To love deeper, desire more, and build endurance such that we can live TRULY like Christ! We will never be perfect, but we WILL be pursued! And we can pursue Him back! Come join the race with me as we pursue our prize: Jesus.


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