Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13, 2014

Apathy draws you away from God just as much as sin does.

You can run from God by sinning. We've all been there. We do something wrong, enjoy the immediate gratification it brings us, and so we continue in sin until we are far from Jesus. Thats when we're in trouble; in rough seas with no land in sight, fighting to stay above the water.

Crazy thing about apathy is: its STILL running away from God. By not LOVING Him we choose to love THIS world. And its harder to notice. We may not be intentionally sinning. We may not be thinking bad thoughts. We may even be doing work for Christ. But if its apathetic, what is the point?

You see, every action we make requires love for spiritual growth. 1 Corinthians 13, probably the most referenced love chapter in the Bible, talks about this. You can do everything you could think of, but with love backing it, its futile. Apathy is a lack of love. And by going through our day to day lives without love, we actually run from God, who IS love.

The question I ask myself is: how can I show more love to Jesus? I can't give Him gifts or comfort Him in times of need. I can't open His eyes to new things or discipline Him. To show love to a God... how can we? Our love PALES in comparison to Him. Why would He want my love? He's got angels' adoration, galaxies' worship, and oceans' majesty.

While all of these things worship Him, they don't choose to do so. All they've ever known is the greatness of our God, its an obvious thing to do. Its not so much a choice as a response. For us, we have distractions ALL OVER. We are pushed, pulled, stretched, and snapped. We must fight to CHOOSE God every single day or risk losing ground in our walk.

Apathy is arguably our greatest enemy; sneaking behind our backs and coaxing us to leave our love for God. Its a seductress, bent on keeping our love focused on anything BUT Jesus. Dying to our flesh, bearing our cross; that INVOLVES stabbing apathy through the chest and driving the knife deep. To leave yourself lying, bleeding on the floor, as the new man walks out the door and into the arms of Jesus. To become new is to die to the old.

Apathy will try to destroy. But ultimately, it has NOTHING on Jesus. He will break through and save. He will rescue His bride from her own clutches. We have chained ourselves, but Jesus has bolt cutters. He WILL RENEW OUR LOVE. Thats a guarantee.

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