Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

Our God is FAITHFUL. Faithful to restore and renew; because of His never ending grace and LOVE.

This past week, I have had almost zero time for social media. I haven't posted anything, I have barely been able to acknowledge other people's presence online. Between school, homework, volunteering, chores, and most importantly, spending time with Jesus, I have had many late nights and few opportunities for leisure. This evening is a true blessing.

On top of all the stress and commitment of this week, I have been unnaturaly exhausted. Tuesday evening I collapsed on my bed for two and a half hours before awaking to realize how much time I had wasted. That was good homework time! That night I was up until 11, soley because of responsibilities. 

The crazy thing is, even with my exhaustion, God has provided JUST ENOUGH energy for me to get through each day. I have always had JUST ENOUGH time to finish work, and JUST ENOUGH rest to stay awake in classes. He has given me patience, grace, and peace of mind amidst an extremely stressful situation. Because He is FAITHFUL.

All week, I have been challenged. I consider this a test. I have kept this mindset of "I WILL keep God first; other commitments ALWAYS come second." I have struggled with idolatry in the past, so this is a great way for me to grow and mature. Anyways, as I've kept God first I know that He is caring for me. Sometimes I feel I can't read my Bible because I'm too tired, but I push through anyways. I pray every morning, first thing, then again at the bus stop, then AGAIN during the minute of silence. I HAVE to keep my mind on Him; if I don't, I'll lose footing on already slippery ground. I am RELYING on Jesus to follow through.

I'm not healed. I'm not free of my workload. My worries and stresses still weigh on my mind. I'm not feeling better at all. But because MY GOD is faithful, I am DETERMINED to reciprocate that love. I WILL, in HIS strength, complete all my assignments on time. I WILL, in HIS strength, be a light to my friends and family. I WILL, in HIS strength, PUT JESUS FIRST. That is what matters after all. I will not back down, I will not concede. This is my stand.

Whatever you are facing, I pray that you would take YOUR STAND. Face YOUR difficulties, knowing full well that God's FAITHFULNESS will carry you through. And someday, eventually, though we do not know the day, He will RESTORE us as well. Restoration is in wait for us, it is SO CLOSE!! KEEP ON! Press on! Don't lose hope, lose worry!! Lose stress! In God, YOU HAVE ALREADY OVERCOME!!! Lets go show this world our God's FAITHFULNESS to us even when we are down and out!


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