Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 5, 2014

Ya know what's cool? God's word. When you need answers, it has them. When you need hope, it has that to! Need joy, peace, or just a good story to read? The Bible's got it all!

I mean, God's word isn't boring. A flood that destroys EVERYTHING. The scandal of a perfect man being killed. An persecuted land filled with exiles, plague, war, and inconsistency. And best of all are the DVR worthy stories: Elijah when he one ups 850 priests on a mountain... by himself. Elisha calling two female bears out of the woods to maul some kids who called him bald. A giant who was slaid, a man swallowed whole, and a hopelessly unfaithful wife who is ALWAYS loved by her husband (who had some awesome ideas for his kids'... especially Not My Son. Genius!).

And then, on top of it all, its not just a good read. Somehow God, being Creator, has been the only One to smash emotions into a book so well that you get EXACTLY what you need, NO MATTER WHERE YOU CHOOSE TO READ. I cannot tell you how many times I have needed hope and just start reading... doesn't matter where, and after 10 minutes I feel better and optimistic! Plus, God'll shape our days and lives so that what we read is personal and applies to us. The Bible is in layers, so that everytime you read it you find some new insight and everyone reads it slightly differently, making Bible studies a useful tool. 

Like... the Bible isn't just the best selling, most stolen/smuggled book in the world. Its the words of a GOD. Its the raw emotion of someone who cares deeply for us. Its a good read, with plenty of action and adventure... and geneaologies... yay. But even THOSE have crazy insights!!! Like, how else could God have said many times over that Jesus would come from David's line, and then also say to many many people in David's line that the Ruler of the World WOULDN'T come from them?! AND WE HAVE PROOF!!! On top of all this awesome, a God wrote it as a love letter, as a hope, and as a proof of better things to come. Our God is not dead, His word lives also!

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