Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014

Complacency. The state of wanting to accomplish more but settling for less.

Complacent Christians are those that aren't productive. I am a complacent Christian lots of times. We sit on our hands, and praise God for our lives and for all He's given us, but we never take action on what we praise Him for. Like, "God, thanks for letting me live another day!" He's given you another day because He expects you to use it, and has something great planned for you, but YOU need to take hold of it. Whether we are on fire for Jesus or stumbling, its important to do our very best for God. 

There is a song by Third Day called "Keep on Shining". I was listening to it once and God revealed to me that I need to keep shining for Him, NO MATTER WHAT I was feeling. Grace doesn't have an off day. Love doesn't take breaks. Mercy never gets tired. But I did, and I have missed out on many many opportunities to look like Jesus and be a light. So, how can we shine for Jesus when we are down and out?

Its hard. VERY difficult. It required putting your pain and sorrow in God's hands, and surrendering all to Him. It requires letting Him worry about YOUR well-being while you worry about other's. Serving God won't always be pleasant and it may make you more tired... but our God is a God of strength. He WILL give you what you need to get through, if you trust Him and follow His commands. To be selfless when all your body screams at you is to be selfish... its hard. But Jesus never said fishing for men would be easy.

In fact, the enemy may be using your pain to blind you to God's plan for you. Its important to have Scripture on you at all times... which means memorization. I strongly suggest finding a few verses to memorize that can help you wherever you may be. My go-to memorized verses are Psalm 119:9-16

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your word. I have sought You with all my heart, don't let me wander from Your commands. I have hidden Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you. Lord, may You be praised; teach me Your statutes. With my lips I proclaim all the judgements from Your mouth. I rejoice in the way revealed by Your decrees as much as in all riches. I will meditate on Your precepts and think about Your ways. I will delight in Your statutes, I will not forget Your word."

Complacency will stop your walk in its tracks. Don't let complacency take over! #LiveItLikeJesus

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