Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30, 2014

What if we LIVED like no one was watching? I hear people say, "Dance/sing/play like nobody is watching." Its an encouragement for that person to do their best! But what if we LIVED like nobody was watching? Then, whether someone is watching us or not, we would live with perfect INTEGRITY.

Its a word used a lot, and you have probably heard it defined in many ways, but if not, integrity is doing what is right and wise even if no one is around to see and praise you. Its not looking for reward or self gain, but just straight up doing what is CORRECT. What is JUST.

Say I get texted by a friend who is struggling with depression. I'm alone in my living room, so I start pointing them to Jesus! I walk with them through their pain. Now say this same friend is being bullied by your coworkers at work. They make rude jokes about them. YOU HAVE TO LOVE THEM THE SAME, just as if no one was watching!! Tell the bullies to back off (lovingly of course) and point the bullied back to Jesus. Help them through their struggle. You may be laughed at. The Bible says we will be persecuted, take up your cross (or ridicule in this case) and die to your flesh!

You see, integrity isn't JUST doing what is right when no one is around. Integrity is reciprocal, and its often confused. Integrity is ALSO doing what is right when EVERYONE can see you, knowing full well they will disapprove. So! If we lived like nobody is watching, and refrain from seeking out praise and rather seek out loving others, we would truly look like JESUS. The Pharisees did good works in public to help their image; Jesus did good works in public to show LOVE. To show EXAMPLE. Jesus didn't condemn helping others in the open where we might recieve praise from others, He condemned seeking out that praise. Living with integrity is putting all before yourself and no matter what situation or enviornment you are in, you ALWAYS respond lovingly and Jesus-like!

Food for thought yall ;) #LiveItLikeJesus

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