Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26, 2014

HOME. Our ultimate destination, the perfection of our faith.

Its where Jesus is. Ever hear the phrase: "Your home is where your heart is."? My hearts with Jesus... need I say more? The day I see His face is one I long for so deeply. Its a passion rooted so deeply in my soul that nothing can tear that desire from me. I. Want. Jesus. To hug Him, to hold His hand, to tell Him my successes and failures and see if He's proud of me. To row a boat across an ocean, just me and Him, and enjoy each others company... mostly His. To sit down and listen to the endless stories told by the One who wrote the Book. God in the flesh. Thats what I want.

Its also the perfection of our faith. The ultimatum of our existence. To be made righteous before God and stand trembling in His presence. This is what we were CREATED for; to love and serve God in a beautifully masterminded relationship that has no flaws. To be LOVED by HIM. To feel only pleasure racking our bodies, shaking us to the bone, just because we know of God's love for us. To have NO DARKNESS, NO NIGHT, NO PAIN. To have God's presence be ALL WE NEED TO SEE, LIVE BY, STRIVE FOR. This is what we were made to do. This earth is just a staging ground for something bigger.

Look at the mountains, and their majesty. Just hold on. Look at the oceans and their vastness. Just wait. Look at the fields and their life sustaining food. There's something more beautiful. Look at the bright, blue sky and its endlessness. There is something MORE endless. Look at the stars and their brilliance. Just WAIT. What makes our heart sing hear is as dust in heaven. Our flesh finds wonder in the smallest thing, just as a child does. It takes a perfected spirit to appreciate whats coming up: HEAVEN. 

Besides, who established the mountains? Who filled the oceans? Who planted the earth? Who spread out the sky? Who spoke the stars into being? The ONE who our hearts long for. And guess what? All this creation, which we praise Him for... HE LOVES US MORE! 

We should praise Him for the life we've found in Him, not for creation. Our relationship is infinitely more beautiful. He made the sun to shine down on us, but its WE that shine for HIM. We are His pride and joy, HE delights in US. And that is truly magnificent.

Have an awesome evening, and stay heavenly minded always! When times get tough, remember where we're headed:)

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