Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2, 2014

I was attending a friend's wedding today, and was especially listening close to my senior pastor as he conducted the ceremony. He mentioned us, the audience, as witnesses. Most people didn't think twice about it, and this being my fourth attended wedding, I haven't thought about it either. But because we are witnesses, we are held accountable to keep them true to their faith and their selves... this is a huge responsibility!!

Marriage is symbolic of our beautiful relationship with Christ, yeah? When we accept Jesus, we are declaring to the world: "You are to hold us accountable to our faith and relationship with Jesus." So don't feel discouraged if non-believers tell you how to live your faith; sometimes I think they know how we are supposed to live better than we do. We have been around Jesus for a while, so the wonder starts to fade and we lose sight of what we are living for... its human nature. We bore easily. Non-believers, however, always seem to see Jesus in a light we somehow miss: how He lived differently. He didn't conform to this world, wasn't of this world, but yet He still CARED FOR and LOVED this world. A lot of times we miss this. And its a non-believer's duty as a witness to our 'wedding' that he or she should tell us where we go wrong and keep us accountable! Its hard to accept, even for me. I struggle lots with this, but its definitely true. #LiveItLikeJesus

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