Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014

Romans 13:10 (HCSB) "Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Love, therefore, is the fulfillment of the law."

I talk about love a lot. Lets do it again :D

How simple is that? Love fulfills the law. Because love does not hurt, harm, cause disputes, sow discord, lie, cheat, steal, or anything else wrong, the law is fulfilled when love is applied!! If its done in love, GODLY LOVE, its right. Its good. Its lawful! Love is respecting authority, so obeying the authorities God put above us is showing love, as well as helping hurting people and giving to those that have physical needs! All we need is love, not just emotionally but also physically! IT FULFILLS THE LAW!

So apply love in everything. Easy, right? Wrong. Humans are hardwired in the image of God; we enjoy loving and being loved. Humans are also sinful and unfaithful. So no matter how hard we try, never will we love completely, unconditionally, or wholeheartedly. We may come AWFULLY close, but we'll never achieve that because we are not perfect! In fact, in many cases love is the exact OPPOSITE of what we feel needs to be applied! In an abusive situation, should love be applied? In a disrespectful situation, should love be applied? In a rebellious situation, should LOVE be applied? Yes, yes, and yes again! We hate it. I personally grit my teeth at loving someone who is abusive. It seems unjust.

But you know, God is just. And if Jesus hadn't come, we would be in the exact same spot He was in. We are abusive, we are disrespectful, and we are rebellious towards our Heavenly Father! Because He is just, He demanded a price: death. Instead of our death, however, God LOVED this world so much that He sent a perfect sacrifice that would die in our stead, forever appeasing the just nature of God and allowing us righteousness!! Since Jesus was perfect, Death had no grasp on Him!! AMEN!! 

Because Christ first loved us, we can love Him and others similarly! Through Him, we can love everyone. It may sound backwards and yucky and absolutely terrible, but its the right thing to do! Also, there is a lot less stress involved in the long run! God bless yall, have a good one!!

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