Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014

How awesome is it that we have a personal God?! He is NOT distant! He lives in and through us! He does not sit on His throne watching men fail, He picks us up and loves on us! He delights in our cries of hurt and joy directed at Him! He is jealous for our love! This is the God I serve. I have done nothing to earn His affections, yet He showers me anyways. He is just, but yet He sent His son to die in my stead, JUST so that I could have communion with Him. He does not need me, but He wants me. He cries, laughs, and rejoices with me! He delights in my goofiness, in my praise, in my cries for help. I am not perfect, but am perfect through faith. I am not holy, but made righteous by Jesus's blood. By faith alone I stand before you a new man. I was once a Christian, now I follow Christ. My heart pounds in my chest when I think about meeting my Father, my Friend, my PERSONAL GOD who cherishes me with every step. THIS IS THE GOD I SERVE! Thats the only one I want to serve.

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