Friday, July 18, 2014

July 18, 2014

This is my last day before heading to Maine, and I have absolutely nothing to do. God gifted me with a day of rest, so I can sleep, sleep, and sleep some more. He has healed me from my cold, and blessed me with the support of others telling me they are praying for me. As I sit in my bed and sing to Jesus, I am overwhelmed with a peace and love that is beyond imaginable, yet is always there when I need it. God's arms are a place not unknown to me, yet it never ceases to astound me. I will never bore or tire of being in my Creator's presence.

I am truly a child when I'm found in Him. A silly thought crosses my mind that I'm not mature and I still act like a child around Him, but then I realize it doesn't matter cause He's my Daddy and everything He says to me I lock in my heart. I often talk about how God is our lover, but I today I wanna look at a different facet of Him: a Father.

The song "The Only Thing That Matters" by Jody McBrayer coins it perfectly... you guys should listen to it sometime. I can't get a link, cause I'm on my iPod, but I trust you guys can look it up :)

"You are my life!
You are my breath! 
You are holiness!
But You take me as I am!
You are my strength!
You are my peace!
You are my everything!
You're the only thing that matters to me!"

It saddens me so when I hear my friends 'love God', but that He seems distant so they put all their trust, find all their strength, and invest all their love in earthly relationships. Their friends can't save them from the raging battle inside, only our Heavenly Father can. Our Dad is always there for us!!! He is loving, caring, understanding, disciplining, and listening always to us. He just wants us to be happy and love Him, nothing else matters. Not earthly happiness that brings no fulfillment, but a heavenly JOY that floods our veins and boldens our mouths to speak His name and praise Him endlessly. I am failing so bad at putting Him into words, and thats alright. You all will know what I am talking about when you experience Him next.

What astounds me is His love. No matter how hard or far I've fallen, I have never felt condemned or hated because of what I've done. Only a sorrow and compassion beyond compare that make a bittersweet love wash over me. Over time this river turns sweeter and sweeter as I learn who He is and pursue Him more. He desperately wants communion with me, but doesn't force me to His will. He watches me fall and picks me up, knowing I will only hurt Him more. He is just waiting, desperately waiting, for that one special moment He adores when I humble myself to pray. Then He opens the floodgates of heaven and storms my heart with all that is good, lovely, and pure. He watches over me, comforts me, and knows my NAME. With seven billion people in this world, how is it that we are blessed with a personal God? THATS love. He shows me how to love others, whispers His promises in my heart, and gives me endless insights into how awesome and truly great He is. THIS IS OUR GOD. THIS IS WHO HE IS. How great is our God!

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