Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014

Jesus is the best. The greatest. The coolest and the awesomest. He is the epitome of good, the textbook definition of just. He is the most creative, the most powerful, and the most knowledgable. And He loves you.

He created the skies. He created the earth. He created all sorts of creatures, some yet to be discovered, and populated the earth with them. He created muscles, tendons, and ligaments to work in perfect harmony with each other making movement possible. He knows the deepest intricacies of our bodies. And He LOVES you.

He created the vastness of space. He put planets in motion and stars in place. He gives each a name and calls them to glow and shine for Him. He put our earth in the precise location to allow life to be possible. The precise spot not only in our solar system, but also in our galaxy AND in our supercluster. And He loves YOU!

He created us significant in an insignificant enviornment. Evolution declares us random chance. We are placed on a small orb we call home. Zoom out and you have our solar system. Retreat farther and you got the Milky Way. Even farther you have our local supercluster. Zoom out father and our galaxy becomes like a star, just a pinprick of light. Zoom out farther and our supercluster becomes a point of light also. These points converge as you continue to retreat and form thin lines called filaments. CONTINUE and the filaments form a tangled web of tiny shining lights, each a supercluster of many galaxies. All this space and the most important thing to Him is YOU.

He cares for the flowers of this earth. He makes it rain, He adds sunshine, and a recycling system that chews up carbon dioxide and spits out oxygen. He made the dirt to filter out deadly toxins and produce clean water again. He made the grass to hold this important dirt in place, so it doesn't blow away. He made the trees to produce fruit and housing for many many different types of creatures, including us. He created bacteria and microscopic bugs that live on our body and assist us in daily living. EVERY SINGLE drop of water you see here was here when God created the earth. AND HE LOVES YOU!!

Point is, God did a lot of stuff in 6 days. But yet the only thing He desires is a personal relationship with you. He can easily handle the cares and concerns of EVERYTHING mentioned above, surely He can handle your pain also! After all, He'll clear His schedule anytime if its just for communion with you for a minute. He is desperate to hear your voice, He is your LOVER. He woos and protects and lavishes and He LOVES YOU!! What is stopping you from loving Him back?

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