Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014

Its important to know how to combat the things of this world in our hearts, without condemning those OF this world. We cannot condemn and get upset at those who wrong us or others because they do not realize Jesus died for THEM. They don't know what salvation is, and how we have the power to forgive AND forget. We need to refuse to get caught up in this world, encourage other believers, and love everyone cause Jesus did it. He didn't walk around condemning every sinner He saw, He gave em a message of hope and love! THIS is our mission field, this is where we take our stand! We either stand strong or crumble against the enemy's attacks. Love is our greatest offense, truth our greatest shield. It ain't easy, it isn't fun, and if it isn't wholehearted and centered around Jesus we WILL fail. We cannot do this in our own strength, its all about Him! We gotta use HIS strength to get us through. We run to HIM with our hurts and cares, and He provides peace and strength for us to continue shining like the Son and reflecting His grace, hope, and most importantly, LOVE!


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