Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014

Hey guys, this one is gonna be long and heavy, but I would appreciate it if you would take some time outta your schedule to read this. I feel its very important to our faith.

I keep seeing this again and again, and I don't understand it. Christ followers, like you and me, don't seem to understand that the world doesn't understand us. We cannot condemn or criticize them, because they have ZERO idea they are denying a God. We cannot be upset or lash out in anger when a non-believer aggresively denies our faith. If we respond with hatred, we only reaffirm what they already know! Our faith was founded on love. God IS love, we are called to love, and we can do nothing BUT love. Its what changes people. Confronting confrontational people with love contradicts every fiber in our being. We are selfish beings, so when we are given love in response to anger, we don't know what to do!

The whole 'love' deal needs to apply to all aspects of life. We cannot hate or even discredit gays, they don't realize their wrongdoing! Divorces are terrible, but instead of shunning them, why don't we show them Christ? (These are just examples, know that it applies EVERYWHERE) What is it going to take to get the Body of Christ on the same page? Its all about love! Phillipians 2:1-2

Today I was reading a post, and in the comments, a person posted about morals. I gladly offered my opinion in love, then left. Others continued posting, discrediting the non-believer, showing them how wrong they were, and refusing to let it go. The non-believers are not going to believe what we say. If we say something once, offered in love, and they refuse, thats fine. Walk away, unless Jesus calls you to stay. We are called to plant seeds, not water them. They will grow under God's Son, and not under our stormclouds.

This brings me to another point. Do we still know what God's voice is? What it sounds like? It seems to me people aren't posting because God wants them to, they want recognition. (I am VERY guilty of this too :) ) Why don't we pray before we post, or better yet, wait till God TELLS US when and what we should say! He knows timing and words much better than us anyways. We all need to take some time to learn God's voice again I think. Its easily lost in the din of everyday life. "Stop the World" - Matthew West

I wanted to apologize again for the length of this post. I felt God telling me I needed to share, and I don't know why. I am just a teenager, trying to live it for Him; there are PLENTY of people more qualified. You can beat me, mock me, slap me, curse me, kill me, but I will NOT stop loving Jesus or you guys. My unconditional love is fueled by God's. If it wasn't from Him, it wouldn't be unconditional! Feel free to disregard these words, because I know God's word won't return to Him void. I love you all, God bless! Just dwell on these thoughts for a while :)

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