Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014

Caught in a sin, and cannot seem to shake it? Sometimes we try everything, and yet, nothing we do can keep up from it. Its easy to say in prayer, "I'll stop," but when you are on the battlefield, and you need to make a decision, we falter. We stumble. We sin, and then instantly regret it, knowing there is no way to undo your action. You just promised God you would stop, and now here we are spitting in His face. Again.
Its a scary thing, but the best advice I can give you is to constantly pursue Him in prayer, and ask Him to break you. To tear a wound so terrible in you that you will NEVER want to go back. To break you on the rocks, then be there to put you back together. Sometimes, thats what it takes to shake a habit rooted deeply in our flesh. And remember, we don't need to do life alone! If ya need to talk, privately post to me so we can talk! I refuse to leave you alone in your misery, thats how I was, and it was HARD. God bless y'all!

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