Friday, March 6, 2015

Heroism in the Choices

"Heroes are made when you make a choice!" - Superchick

The song quoted above is "Hero," written by an inspirational band. Superchick has a lot of songs that build up and encourage those who listen to them. And you know? Heroes ARE made when you make a choice. We've all heard it said that heroes aren't the guys in capes because the TRUE heroes are the men and women on the front lines; the firefighters, police officers, soldiers and veterans, even missionaries. But, we hardly ever ask the important question: "Why are they heroes?"

Think about it. What makes a hero heroic? I'll tell you. They make CHOICES. Not mundane choices, because mundane choices make mundane people. In fact, the type of choices you make influence the person you become. Wanna be a hero? Choose heroic choices. Wanna be a burger flipper with a PhD in etymology? Make choices to get you there. Wanna love Jesus? Well, make choices to love Him more!

I have a braclet that I wear... it's been on my wrist for an almost continuous stretch of two years (I had to take it off once for 15 minutes). I received it from my church a while back, while we were doing a series about choosing Jesus over the things of our world. I can hardly remember anything, but now, it serves as a daily reminder to me that I must choose THIS day to serve Jesus. It's a daily choice, not a weekly one. Human resolve fades too quickly to plan for the week; plus, we were told by Jesus to only worry about today in Matthew 6:34. 

"It all comes down to this,
you take your best shot, might miss!
So take it anyway! You're gonna make your move today!
You got the will, you'll find the way,
to change the world someday!
Grab THIS moment, before it's gone;
today's your day, it's on!" - Superchick

Right now, take a stand for eternity. Right here, it's your time, your place, your stage. Stand up and never back down. CHOOSE to be a hero. You might fail, you might miss, but who cares? Choose to try again! Choices MATTER.

"No one sits with him, he doesn't fit in,
but we feel like we do when we make fun of him.
'Cause we want to belong, do you go along?
His pain is the price paid for you to belong!
It's not like you hate him or want him to die,
but maybe he goes home and thinks suicide,
or comes back to school with a gun at his side,
and your kindness to him might have saved his life.
Heroes are made when you make a choice!" - Superchick

There are people all around you in need of many different things. All it takes is a simple email, or a phone call. Perhaps $5 from your wallet. Ya know, you can choose something God has given you a love for and run with it! I love writing, I chose writing, and here I am writing. Simple. I didn't make plans to have a blog, I just made plans to write for Jesus. I wrote a paragraph on May 6, 2014. It wasn't even a long paragraph. And now, I have a blog with views from across the globe! Only Jesus could do that!

See, when we make choices that choose Jesus, He honors those choices. He changes us from human to hero. 

"He walks the halls, and gives his love.
He sees his high school as his mission field,
he's broken because he knows:
the hopeless roads that they are taking,
the empty feelings they are chasing,
only leads to futures wasted,
so he's willing to stand alone!" - Casting Crowns

The young man in the song is called a hero by Casting Crowns. Why? He made heroic choices. He made choices for Jesus, and Jesus used Him as a hero. Hurt and pain surround us, we need to reach out. Hungry kids starve in third world nations, we need to reach out. 

You know? I realized yesterday that I've been putting a 10% tithe on all I earn in the bank. It isn't very much, but it's not helping Jesus out either. So I'm choosing to use that money for a cause worth more than building interest. 

Heroic choices are about taking what we have, evaluating our resources, and putting them to best use, Jesus's use! He is the One we should be honoring with all we do! My good blogging friend challenged me to put down all my distractions for one week and only serve Jesus with my time. Wow. He gave me a three days heads up, so I start Saturday. Check out his blog and accept the challenge yourself; make some heroic decisions!! A link to the blog can be found below. 

I finished a book last night called "Love Does" by Bob Goff, and oh boy. I want to revamp my life! I want love to be everything I do, not just a rare excursion here and there. Here's an excerpt for ya:

"We're not just a cosmic biology experiment that ended up working. We're part of God's much bigger plan for the whole world. Just like God's Son arrived here, so did you. And after Jesus arrived, God whispered to all humanity... "It's your move." Heaven's been leaning over the rails ever since you got here, waiting to see what you'll do with your life." - Bob Goff

Choose THIS day. Choose TODAY. Don't wait for tomorrow to love! If you aren't a hero today, another may save the one you left behind. Today! It's all that we have left. Choose to love, choose to change, choose to be a hero. Choose to #LiveItLikeJesus. 
Okay, so I had to take it off once more to get a good picture!


  1. Hey, You've made me remember the heroes of the faith mentioned in Hebrews 11; they chose not only to believe in God, but to believe God in faith, they chose to do what God required of them, in spite of their circumstances. Their good choice's based on faith impacted the lives of others.Thanks, for reminding that we have a daily opportunity to choose do His will in our lives. God bless you David!
