Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 6, 2014

The Holy Spirit: guide, help, comfort.

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit prays for us, directly to God, about what we need and desire. How awesome is that?! Even when we don't know what to pray, the Spirit is in God's presence, interceding on our behalf, praying FOR US!!! I love that!

Also, the Holy Spirit guides our steps. As we grow in our walk the Spirit will show us new things and give us new revelations. It will reveal what was once veiled in darkness, and bring to light what had been lost! It shows us what is right and wrong when we aren't sure, and if we stumble it'll nudge us in the right direction! And it NEVER is forceful or mean... it'll let us wander into darkness. It does not impede, only guides.

AND the Holy Spirit helps! It fills me with joy when I'm down! It makes me happy when I'm sad! It will bring fulfillment to your life, and it will NEVER leave you empty! We are FILLED, the Bible says, with the Spirit! FILLED!! It consumes us and transforms and slowly makes new what was old through an age old process-discipline.

Requirements for having the Spirit: JESUS. Having a relationship with Him starts with dying to yourself once and for all, then dying to your fleshly self everyday. Its loving Jesus more! Once you accept Christ, He gives you His Spirit! Its like a periscope into HIS MIND! Now THATS a trip! Be sure to be receptful to what the Spirit has to say to you today, I can GUARANTEE its important!! God bless!!

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