Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1, 2014

The darkness of silence.

It doesn't make sense at first. When Jesus revealed to me this one phrase, it got me thinking: what does it mean?

Many of us know what its like to be in complete silence. Most hate it. We need a fan whirring, music playing, birds chirping, etc. to keep us sane. We NEED those sounds to function. Without those sounds, its quite 'dark'. Darkness is the absence of light; perhaps its also the absence of sound. When its dead quiet, we get frightened, and we try to dispell its heaviness with anything we can.

Many non-believers live in spiritual darkness. They don't have the light of the world in them. But I think an even more powerful darkness blankets believers as well as non-believers. The darkness of silence. Darkness is a complete surrender. When you walk around a dark house, you are at the mercy of every misplaced lego and chair. Some of us live in a spiritually dark place, because we cannot hear God. We don't hear His words pierce the veil of lies and deceit that blankets our world.

Like I said, its a complete surrender. Humans are TERRIFIED of giving it all up. We talk to Jesus, casting ourselves in the darkest place we can be. We find ways to make noise and keep ourselves from being COMPLETELY silent. We just pray and pray ceasingly, and its no longer a conversation with our lover, its a laundry list of 'please do's and don'ts'. We HATE the idea of just being SILENT, and surrendering to God's will. We have to willingly throw ourselves into the darkness of silence before we can hear God speak. And its HIS words that bring light and life, not our own towards Him.

I hope this made ya think, its definitely abstract ;) God bless you guys!

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