Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014

I do random stuff. I'll wave at a stranger, smile at some kid in the halls, just start dancing on a street corner. I smile for no reason, laugh just because, and make goofy faces. I'll mouth song lyrics, ask someone how their day was, and say 'Bless you' cause I can. I even tell people: "I just DO stuff."

At least everyone THINKS its random. I just listen to what God tells me to do! I am His crazy-happy-encouraging-strange-weirdo that He somehow uses for His glory! If I feel like I should do something, I do it. Its what God wants, why should I deny Him! I warn you: Don't confuse God's voice for your fleshly self. You have to discern right from wrong, and know what is appropriate at what time. God has appropriate timing, yourself? Not so much.

Do something random for Jesus today! Listen to His commands, and it'll go well for ya ;)

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