Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014

We gotta remember to guard our hearts! Everytime we share our experiences, we gives pieces of ourselves to others. This can be very beneficial, because sharing burdens is one way we can lead each other to Jesus! By shining His love and taking others' pain on our shoulders, we live like Jesus. However, your heart isn't infinite like God's. Be careful what pieces you give away and how much. If you 'spend' too much, you will end up scattered across many many different people, who all hold shares of you; many may not care about your heart or realize the importance of that which they hold. Also, if you hold tight to all your pain, you let it fester and grow in the dark. This will drive you deeper into hurt and more pain; exactly what the Devil wants. We have to find a balance, a system of spending AND saving our hearts with each other to best share the burdens of this life. I would be more than happy to listen to any cares, questions, or concerns you may have! Or maybe a prayer request... I dunno. Just keep the balance of your heart. But the best thing is, Jesus's heart IS infinite, and He KEEPS ON POURING INTO YOU!! Conversely, you can pour your ENTIRE heart into Him, cause He is perfect and won't mess up all the broken pieces of your heart; He won't run off with them. He will actually put them back together!

Lets share the weight of each other's burdens, and #LiveItLikeJesus

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