Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

Alright, I dunno about you, but my biggest spiritual wall is sickness. When my head is stuffy and I feel bad, I cannot see as easily God's love for me, and the mercies granted to me everyday. Usually when I am sick I become a complacent Christian, not pursuing Jesus, but rather just sitting still and distracting myself from Him. Whatever your spiritual walls are, we need to find ways to combat our complacency! We need to step up, be motivated, and seek out His name. This is why it is SO important to have a strong body of believers around you, that can edify and support you. We need each other's love, which ultimately points us to His love!! So if you struggle with walls, then seek out those who can point you to Him! And if you see someone struggling, PLEASE reach out and help them up. We are all in this together, we are ONE body. If we let a toe continue wounded, won't the entire body feel pain? 


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