Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014

Alright, I JUST started reading a book by my favorite author, Ted Dekker, entitled The Slumber Of Christianity. Just a few pages in, it is very relevant to today, and had many of the same thoughts I have had.

We as Christians are in a slumber. We face the same problems, same situations, same difficulties, and respond to them the same way a non-believer would. We are constantly searching for something to give us happiness, be it a job promotion, new car, significant other, etc. We have lost our joy in our faith. Christians need to be longing heaven and the joy it holds. We need to be giddy now because of the knowledge we will be with Christ!! HOW AMAZING WILL THAT BE?!

Imagine. We will be able to HUG Him. WALK with Him. That guy you pray to every night, who holds and comforts you, WILL be tangible soon. I think we often forget that Jesus is tangible. We know He is 'real', because He helps us out, but is He tangible to you? I pray He shows you the power of His presence.

We need to wake up every morning, take in a deep breath, and draw strength from the foreknowledge that we WILL be with Jesus someday. We need to be giddy and excited like a child at Christmas everyday. Otherwise all the world sees is someone who has higher moral standards suffering the same problems, issues, and solutions. There is no difference, unless we live like it. Constant prayer grows our faith. Reading His word. But mostly dwelling on Him. Thinking about how awesome He is, and what it'll be like to get HOME. It's ok to dream!! Just know that whatever you dream, God'll one up you big time :)

God bless yall, and stay heavenly minded. Be filled with the joy of things to come! #LiveItLikeJesus

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