Saturday, November 19, 2016

Life Is Beautiful

“A brand new life, a mother's prayer, shooting stars, ocean air, a lover's kiss, hard goodbyes, fireworks, Christmas lights - these are the things that make us feel alive; these are the times that make us realize: life is beautiful.” - The Afters

Wonderfully made, divinely inspired. When God created life, He looked down upon His earth and proclaimed that it was good. But it is when He makes man and woman that He calls the entirety of Creation very good.

Life is incredibly beautiful. Waking up to a new sunrise everyday is such a gift. Every day is a new day to begin anew; to find healing and restoration; to embark on a grand adventure; and to live in an intimate, unconditional relationship with Love itself. Sunrises - yes, those waking moments when we reluctantly turn off our alarms and roll out of bed - are an open invitation to the hardest, most rewarding journey we’ll ever embark on.

Every breath in our lungs is a privilege; a gift from Heaven above that pushes us ever onward on this trip called life. With every breath we take, we are given another opportunity to make a difference in those around us; with every breath we take, we are overcoming the fear, hatred, and death that permeate our world. Our lungs are a defiance of what is, and a hope for what may be. This is because our breath is our life; without it, we are dust. There are some who would like nothing more than to see the living crushed.

“Sometimes the joy can give you wings to fly!
Sometimes the pain will cut your soul just like a knife.
There's fear, there's faith, there's loss, there's grace!
I've seen it from both sides.
This is what it means to be alive.” - Danny Gokey

Readers, you have immense value. You’ve been given another breath; another moment to honor the One Who created you. Every second is a second chance. Some days are hard, and some are not.

“In the day of prosperity, be joyful, but in the day of adversity, consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man cannot discover anything that will come after him.” - Ecclesiastes 7:14 (HCSB)

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, often times our eyes are blinded by busyness, stress, pain, fear, or guilt. In fact, beauty is all around us, if only we’d shift our perspective to see it. When we can’t see the beauty in life, we can trust that God still does. He whispers to creation daily, “Wow. This is good.” But it’s when He looks at the humans He has made - though we grieve Him with our sin - that He says, “This is very good.”

Life is beautiful. Hope remains in the life God has given us. Take it to heart, and remind others of it as well. This is one way we can #LiveItLikeJesus.

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