Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21, 2014

Righteousness! David and Job had lots of it. Sometimes, it even seems they are being cocky as they declare their righteousness so great that God HAS to save them. Thats what it comes across as... lets clear some things up!

David and Job are right to do this, and here is why: our view of righteousness TODAY is skewed. We have distorted the meaning of righteousness. In today's world, the righteous are the do gooders and the kind, caring, loving. Righteousness has been defined as SELF-WORTH in today's world. Like we can somehow earn our righteousness.

Way back when, people understood that THEY could not measure up to their GOD. Their version of righteousness was not self-worth, but rather how awesome their God was. Like C.S. Lewis said, "Humility is not thinking less of oneself, but thinking of oneself less." HUMILITY is required for righteousness, because we should not think of ourselves as righteous, but rather God in us that is righteous.

We are not righteous on OUR terms, but on GOD'S terms. Our terms are our strength, God's terms are HIS strength. Instead of us trying to measure UP to God, God stooped DOWN and OFFERED us righteousness; Jesus Christ. We are not holy because of US, but because of HIM. And God calls us to boast ONLY in Him.

So since we are called to boast in HIM, and HIM alone, who is ALSO our source of righteousness, we can be like Job and David! We can declare our righteousness, as long as we and others know that OUR righteousness is found in HIS strength and power!! JESUS is our righteousness, and we are called to declare His name to all nations! We can call on God to save us, because WE HAVE JESUS IN OUR HEARTS, MAKING US RIGHTEOUS!! He will never hold back anything from those whom He loves; we are His FAMILY. Adopted or not, Jew or Gentile, we can all be righteous because of Jesus's sacrifice!

If you're gonna #LiveItLikeJesus, understand righteousness!

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