Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14, 2014

What is meant by 'the least of these'? We are called to love them, and be ministers of Christ to them, but who are they? They need food, water, clothing, and shelter; but they also need LOVE. The 'least of these' points to anyone in need, from homeless to the hurting to the agnostic in your workplace. The least of these includes rich, poor, and middle class. Everyone in this world is in need of love. If you see a hurting person, but do not help them, YOU ARE REFUSING the call of Jesus to love on the 'least of these', regardless of social class, gender, race, or religion. We are called to love EVERYONE! Strangers, friends, enemies, murderers, slanderers, liars, cheaters, prostitutes, pastors, lawyers, bankers, technicians... I think you get it. Jesus did not deny you, why do we as Christians deny others? Its all about showing God's LOVE!! Lets love on this world together, and the world WILL desire what we have :)

Sidenote: When we help the homeless, donate to charity, host strangers, etc. we are living out Christ's call for us. PLEASE take some time to get to know the people you are helping. Although the homeless need money to survive, they desire a relationship even more. Offer to take them to a fast food joint, and pay for their meal. Then you can sit down, and best decide how to help them!! Loneliness is rampant all around, we gotta be a friend to all!


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