Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7, 2014

Walking in Jesus's footsteps! It's beautiful. Like a the hand of a child lightly grasping the One who knows the way, we follow Him. Our chubby, pink flesh holds onto a calloused, rough, and weathered hand, which firmly grips ours, refusing to let us go. He looks down on us and smiles as we enjoy childish follies. Everyday children join and leave Him. Everyday Jesus is filled with unimaginable joy; the kind a Father feels towards a newborn child. Also, Jesus feels the unrelenting sorrow and grief of a stillborn child, who has perished without knowing the love of a Daddy. He has rebellious teenagers, who spit in His face and run from His every command. He has the baby who just found Him, the matured adult with a deep love for their Parent, and the older children, who have grown in wisdom and love to the ends of their days. We are all in one of these places in our spiritual walk, always growing towards Jesus. Remember: We wanna achieve as high a maturity as possible!!

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